Surgical Services

We perform a wide range of surgeries. Dr. David Heubner performs the majority of the surgeries, and continually keeps up to date on the latest techniques through various forms of continuing education. Safety, sterility and comfort of the patient, especially through pain management are our utmost concern. Our surgery suite is designed to conform to standards and is similar to a human surgery suite. We put on a cap, gown, mask and sterile gloves after scrubbing with an antiseptic soap. All of our instruments are sterilized by steam in an autoclave. Prior to surgery, we require that your animal be fasted for 12 hours. This means withholding food from the night before, but your pet can have water. Many of the surgeries are day surgeriesā€”meaning your pet can go home that night. Newer anesthetics as well as a balanced anesthesia, means a quick recovery for the animal. Some surgeries, especially any abdominal (such as a spay) or orthopedic surgery, usually require an overnight stay. We make this as comfortable as possible. Usually after a surgery, your pet should not be bathed for 10 days, in order to keep the incision dry. Very often, we bury the skin sutures under the skin, using absorbable suture material. This makes the incision less itchy for your pet, as well as speeding up healing of the skin. It also saves you a trip back to have the sutures removed. However, for some surgeries, we still use skin sutures. If your pet has these, they will need to be removed in 7-10 days.

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    Laser Surgery

    We useĀ laser in our surgeries. Lasers cut tissues with less damage than a scalpel. This means there is less pain, less bleeding and less inflammation. This leads to more comfortable…

  • Spaying

    Spaying or ovariohysterectomy is best done at six months of age, before your female cat or dog has its first heat. In dogs, this decreases the chances of breast cancer…

  • Neutering

    The ideal age to perform castration of a male cat or dog is 6 months, but it can be performed at any age after. Neutering your pet helps prevent many…

  • Soft Tissue Surgery

    Soft Tissue Surgery encompasses all the surgeries outside of orthopedic and spinal surgeries. These would include: Removal of skin cancers Surgery of the intestinal tract Surgery of the liver, pancreas…

  • Orthopaedic Surgery

    Orthopedic Surgery means surgery of the bones or joints. Dr. David Heubner is capable of doing many of these surgeries, including knee ligament (cruciate) repair, dislocated kneecaps, and some pinning.…